Florence October 2023

Planting Trees Everywhere and Still Billions of Trees said Mario Draghi, inspired by Stefano Mancuso, at the Glasgow climate conference 1 year ago.

Long live trees, but the issue remains more complex because you cannot plant just any tree anywhere and because to do so would require a nursery industry that does not exist. In addition to trees, and not just any tree anywhere, we need to know exactly what to do, hence a methodologically scientific approach that measures the solutions deemed useful and collects data for their validation.  

In January 2023, we launched, entirely financed by us and choosing the CNR as our scientific partner, the ambitious research project on the city of Florence, called Florence Climate Change.

Through 11 different models relating to 11 different problems and areas of the city we will test 11 responses based on the renaturalisation of the space involved, and measure their progressive and long-term impact.

Florence will become a model of study and solutions replicable in other urban realities, scientific and concrete.