
Possible Utopias

Possible utopias: a catalyst for global change. A utopia is not a process, it is a goal. Embracing ambitious goals, no matter how challenging they may be, is inherent to our nature. Fighting against adverse circumstances on behalf of all life forms may be our noblest act.

Our Projects

Projects managed directly
A moratorium on profits for biodiversity


To implement a moratorium on corporate profits for biodiversity. The accumulated financial wealth derived from the exploitation of natural resources must be reinvested, namely returned to its origin: in ten significant potential utopias of transformation. These utopias will be translated into projects that warrant the allocation of trillions of dollars, currently idle and eagerly awaiting a worthy undertaking.



To be determined through inclusive alliances with those who embrace the vision, solely in the pursuit of the common good. 


Projects managed directly
Bringing fresh water back to the Sahara


To restore fresh water to the Sahara, we would achieve a remarkable climate effect, transform the course of economic-climatic migrations, influence dictatorships and their acts of violence, contribute to prosperity, employment, and renewed hope. Moreover, we would foster the emergence of new biodiversity.



To be identified through technological and political alliances open to those who share our vision, solely driven by the common good.