Our activism:
100% for biodiversity
Fondazione Capellino is a non-profit commercial body whose aim is to safeguard the biosphere and in particular biodiversity.
The foundation is financed with 100% of the revenues - after deduction of costs and taxes - of Almo Nature, a dog and cat food company.
This economic model is called Reintegration Economy and was created in 2018 as a result of the irreversible donation of Almo Nature to the foundation by Lorenzo and Pier Giovanni Capellino.

Giving back to biodiversity, the added value generated by work, through activism.
The Reintegration Economy requires that 100% of a company's revenues (after deducting costs, investments and taxes) be allocated to projects aimed at reintegrating biodiversity.
Every business generates an impact on the environment. The model promoted by the Fondazione Capellino aims to give back to nature what its production activity takes from it. An objective motivated by the awareness of having to restore to biodiversity, through activism, that added value that productive work generates.
Companies such as Almo Nature and Patagonia represent examples of Reintegration Economy, donated - by their owners, in different ways - to non-profit foundations.
We differ from other foundations because we finance ourselves. Every time you buy Almo Nature dog and cat food, you take part in the activism that the Reintegration Economy generates.
We have commissioned the Catholic University of Milan to study the role that the Reintegration Economy model can have within the new economic paradigms of sustainable development. It is a work in progress, which accompanies the evolution of the model. For further information, consult the complete 2021 study in English.
told by its founder Pier Giovanni Capellino

to follow a new path.